Listen: An Audio Story from Breach

How Activists and Lawyers can Work Together to Advance Social Movements

All too often, we see lawyers step into the role of savior, imposing their leadership on their clients, whose voices quickly become drowned out. But as the political tides change in this country and a new generation begins stepping into the courtroom, we are starting to recognize that law alone won’t solve our communities’ challenges. Surging social movements have begun to take the helm of political transformation across the country, and this rise of movement activism calls for a new kind of lawyering, one in which we build up the power of the people, not just the power of the law. This is where movement lawyering comes in. 

Through interviews with lawyers Nick Caleb and Camila Bustos and community organizer Justin J. Pearson, this podcast explores the concept of movement lawyering and what role it could play in the future of law in this country.

This podcast was produced by Breach Communications and Storytelling Intern Anya Moore.


Methane Report 2.0


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