Breach Collective

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A Green New Deal for Portland

A Movement Education Course for Activists, Organizers, and Policy makers

Facilitator: Nick Caleb, J.D., LL.M. Climate and Energy Attorney, Breach Collective
Dates: April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 (2024)
Time: 5:30-7:30 PM PST. 
Place: The Rebuilding Center, 3625 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227
& Zoom (registration link
& Discord Server (invite link)

Course Description: The Green New Deal is a huge, generational idea still waiting to find full expression in political spaces, policy, law, and collective action. We believe that a Green New Deal must be based on principles of racial, gender, worker, international, and intergenerational justice. The Green New Deal must also create new institutions that embody these principles, transform existing institutions that could still be useful, and transition away from those that are impediments to a just future. To that end, we have put together a free course to discuss the prospects of a Green New Deal for Portland, Oregon, and to empower Portland residents to shape the future of the city.

April 24 - Our Present Moment

Co-Facilitated by Richa Poudyal, freelance facilitator and climate justice practitioner - formerly affiliated with APANO and the Oregon Just Transition Alliance

Recommended Readings & Resources

Ajay Singh Chaudhary, We’re Not in This Together: There is no universal politics of climate change, The Baffler (April 2020). Link:

Marlene Cimons, The Making of the ‘Thin Green Line’, OPB (April 24, 2020). Link:

Samuel Bazzi, et al., “Rugged individualism” and the collective (in)action during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Public Economics (March 2021). Link: Bazzi, et al., Rugged individualism and collective (in)action during the COVI-19 pandemic.pdf

William Boyd, Who Will Own the Clean Energy Future?, Legal Planet (June 7, 2021). Link:

Michael J. Coren, The US oil industry is flailing despite a $10 billion pandemic lifeline, Quartz (Nov. 23, 2020). Link:

May 1 - Green New Deal Economics 

Co-Facilitated by Mitch Green, PhD., energy economist

Recommended Readings & Resources

(Skim) Yeva Nersisyan & L. Randall Wray, How to Pay for the Green New Deal, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College (May 2019). Link:

Brett Christophers, We are taking a devastating risk with the green energy sector - one that might cost us our future, The Guardian (Feb. 27, 2024). Link:

Yakov Feygin & Nils Gilman, The Designer Economy, NOEMA (Jan. 19, 2023). Link:

Dr. Nancy Folbre, An Economist’s View on the Care Economy, U.S. Department of Labor Blog (Aug. 21, 2021). Link:

Kohei Saito, Degrowth as the Imperative in the Age of the Polycrisis, Georgetown University Global Dialogues (March 6, 2024). Link:

Alessio Terzi, Degrowth Is a Dead End, Project Syndicate (March 6, 2024). Link:

May 8 - Green New Deal Policy - Pt. 1

Co-Facilitated by Sam Diaz, Executive Director of 1000 Friends of Oregon

Recommended Readings & Resources

Joan Fitzgerald, Funding Urban Climate Justice, Planetizen (June 7, 2022). Link:

Nick Caleb, et al., Regulating Natural Gas in Oregon Buildings: A Guide for Local Governments, Green Energy Institute and Breach Collective (2023), p. 3-6. Link:

Breach Collective letter to Portland City Charter Commission (Nov. 21, 2022). Link: Breach Letter to Portland Charter Commission (Nov. 21, 2022).pdf

Michael Gerrard, et al., Global Climate Change and U.S. Law (3d. ed. 2023), ch. 12. Link: Miachel Gerrard, et al., Global Climate Change and US Law (3d ed) ch. 12 (2023).pdf

Model Legislation, Green New Deal Network. Link:

May 15 - Green New Deal Policy - Pt. 2 (remote only)

Recommended Readings & Resources

The Risks and Rewards of Portland’s Clean Energy Fund, CivicWell (July 22, 2022). Link:

Nadja Popovich and Brad Plumer, Can Portland Be a Climate Leader Without Reducing Driving?, New York Times (April 21, 2022). Link:

Gosia Wozniacka, Portland’s fuel terminal ban spurs suit by Montana, fuel industry groups, The Oregonian (Feb. 16, 2023). Link:

Jeremiah Hayden, Land Use Board of Appeals upholds Portland’s right to limit fossil fuel storage, Street Roots (Oct. 26, 2023). Link:

Nick Cunningham, Portland City Government Compromised with Oil Industry in Private, Documents Suggest, DeSmog (Aug. 23, 2023), Link:

May 22 - Organizing and Building Power

Co-Facilitated by Damon Motz-Storey, Executive Director of the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club

Recommended Readings & Resources

Emma Marris, Worried About the Climate? Join the Club – Literally, The New Republic (July 19, 2022). Link:

Katie Myers, In 2023, organized labor became core to the climate movement, Grist (Dec. 20, 2023). Link:

Ramona DeNies, Who Killed Jordan Cove?, Portland Monthly (May 31, 2023). Link:

Lawrence Wang, In New York State, Socialists Have Won a Landmark Victory for Green Jobs and Clean Public Power, Jacobin (July 9, 2023). Link:

May 29 - Into the Future

Co-Facilitated by Aaron Brown, Transportation Policy Director for Oregon Representative Khanh Pham

Recommended Readings & Resources

Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Sick and Tired, The Baffler (Jan. 16, 2024). Link: