Organizing the Green New Deal:
a professional education course for activists, organizers, and attorneys
The Green New Deal is a huge, generational idea still waiting to find full expression in political spaces, policy, law, and collective action. We believe that a Green New Deal must be based on principles of racial, gender, worker, international, and intergenerational justice. The Green New Deal must also create new institutions that embody these principles, transform existing institutions that could still be useful, and dismantle those that are impediments to justice. To that end, we have put together a free course to showcase big thinkers and doers in the climate justice movement to share information about how to organize for power at different levels: neighborhoods, workplaces, city halls, state legislatures, federal governments, and internationally.
Schedule and Pre-Class Materials
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The pre-class materials will be updated as they are provided by our speakers.
February 10 Brief introduction to the course - Dany Sigwalt (Power Shift Network) & Nick Caleb (Breach Collective); Racial Justice in the Just Transition - Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University)
February 12 Bonus talk! Organizing a Union & Worker Self Direction - Danny Noonan & Nick Caleb (Breach Collective)
February 17 Issues of Environmental and Climate Justice in International Governance - Jay Monteverde, Danny Noonan, and Nick Caleb (Breach Collective)
Hook, Lesley, and Sanderson, Henry, “How the race for renewable energy is reshaping global politics”, Financial Times (Feb. 3, 2021), available here.
Moore, Jason W., “The Capitalocene, Part I: on the nature and origins of our ecological crisis”, The Journal of Peasant Studies (March 17, 2017), available here.
Táíwò, Olúfẹ́mi O., “Don’t Treat Climate Change as a National Security Risk”, The New Republic (Feb. 1, 2021), available here.
Táíwò, Olúfẹ́mi O., “An African case for carbon removal”, Africa Is a Country (Sept. 9, 2020), available here.
Tucker, Todd, “The Green New Deal Has an International Law Problem”, Progressive International (March 28, 2020), available here.
February 24 Resource Extraction and Justice - Thea Riofrancos (Professor of Political Science at Providence College)
Riofrancos, Thea, “Seize and Resist: The Global Supply Chain is Up For Grabs”, The Baffler (November, 2020), available here.
Riofrancos, Thea, “Field Notes from Extractive Frontiers”, Center for Humans and Nature (September 28, 2020), available here.
Riofrancos, Thea, “What Green Costs”, Logic Magazine (Dec. 7, 2019), available here.
March 3 Climate Migration - Camila Bustos (Yale Law School)
Lustgarten, Abraham, “The Great Climate Migration”, The New York Times Magazine (July 23, 2020), available here.
Randall, Alex, “Who gets to talk about climate-linked migration in the media?”, Climate and Migration Coalition, available here.
Gonzales, Carmen G, “Migration as Reparation: Climate Change and the Disruption of Borders”, Loyola Law Review (Nov. 18, 20202), available here.
Rowland-Shea, J. & Doshi, Sahir, “The Extremist Campaign to Blame Immigrants for U.S. Environmental Problems”, Center for American Progress (Feb. 1, 2021), available here.
Ober, Kayly, “At a Climate Change Crossroads: How a Biden-Harris Administration Can Support and Protect Communities Displaced by Climate Change”, Refugees International (Feb. 11, 2021), available here.
March 10 Green New Deal Economics - Mitch Green (Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, DSA Portland)
Paul, M., Holmberg, S.R., & Mason, J.W., “The Economic Case for the Green New Deal”, Forbes (Feb. 20, 2019), available here.
Paul, M., Fermsted, A., and Mason, J.W., “Decarbonizing the US Economy”, Roosevelt Institute (June 2019), Section 2.2, available here.
Nersisyan, Yeva, “How to Pay for the Green New Deal”, Levy Economics Institute (May 2019), available here.
March 11 Financing Green Jobs - Justine Burt (Future of Work Program Lead at Manzanita Works)
Burt, Justine, “14.3 million new deep green jobs”, Medium (July 28, 2020), available here.
March 17 Tribal Law and Policy - Lillian Alvernaz (Tribal Attorney at Fort Belknap Indian Community)
March 24 Federal Climate Policy Before 2022 - Saul Levin (Climate and Labor Policy for Congresswoman Cori Bush (Missouri - 01))
March 31 The Energy System & Energy Burden - Heather Moline (NW Energy Coalition)
April 7 A Green New Deal for Pacific Northwest Forests - Samantha Krop & Dylan Plummer (Cascadia Wildlands)
April 14 Frontline Fights Against the Fossil Fuel Industry: Boxtown, TN Stands Up to the Byhalia Oil Pipeline - Kathy Robinson & Justin J. Pearson (Memphis Community Against the Pipeline)
April 28 Gulf Coast Green New Deal - Colette Pichon-Battle & Emma Collin (Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy)
May 5 A Feminist Green New Deal - Mara Dolan & Dr. Frances Roberts-Gregory (Feminist Green New Deal Coalition) with Maeve Cohen & Dr. Sherilyn MacGregor (Wen and the Women’s Budget Group) and moderated by Shree Mehrotra.
May 12 Winning Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Fights - Nick Caleb (Breach Collective) & Allie Rosenbluth (Rogue Climate)